Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
The operation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) involves an operator as a pilot that relies on visual and auditory feedback in an isolated environment. UAV operators often conduct their piloting skills and duties under time pressured dynamic situations.
UAV’s are more frequently being used for missions; As the FAA works to integrate UAVs into the national see-and-avoid airspace and the DoD is rapidly acquiring operational capabilities based on UAVs, increased attention is focused on the training of this new generation of pilots.
Training programs would greatly benefit from incorporating eye-tracking to fully understand how the pilot interacts with systems and their environment. This knowledge is essential to enhance a UAV operator’s environment to improve their situational awareness, workload management and enhanced decision-making. Eye-tracking has the capability to identify critical issues in the design and operation of systems to enable performance improvements.
As part of, or in addition to eye-tracking MAPPS™ capabilities offer multi-modal data synchronization. MAPPS™ provides the capability to analyze a multitude of performance parameters to ensure that ‘man-in-the-loop’ data is gathered and interpreted in context. This provides unlimited options to optimize human performance, reduce error potential and advance technical solutions, all resulting in a state-of-the-art console design which enables the pilot of UAVs the ultimate user experience for more accurate and safer mission delivery.
UAV’s are more frequently being used for missions; As the FAA works to integrate UAVs into the national see-and-avoid airspace and the DoD is rapidly acquiring operational capabilities based on UAVs, increased attention is focused on the training of this new generation of pilots.
Training programs would greatly benefit from incorporating eye-tracking to fully understand how the pilot interacts with systems and their environment. This knowledge is essential to enhance a UAV operator’s environment to improve their situational awareness, workload management and enhanced decision-making. Eye-tracking has the capability to identify critical issues in the design and operation of systems to enable performance improvements.
As part of, or in addition to eye-tracking MAPPS™ capabilities offer multi-modal data synchronization. MAPPS™ provides the capability to analyze a multitude of performance parameters to ensure that ‘man-in-the-loop’ data is gathered and interpreted in context. This provides unlimited options to optimize human performance, reduce error potential and advance technical solutions, all resulting in a state-of-the-art console design which enables the pilot of UAVs the ultimate user experience for more accurate and safer mission delivery.